data doldrums and charcoal joy

We had a short session this morning where children showed their charcoal drawings and talked about the instructions they created for making them. I was able to hear and see tantalising snippets between audio/visual freezes

We have got the over and out down to a tee

The children have done work with copying images and redrawing on top of these in their editions, I would so love to be in the classroom looking at this stuff n the flesh. There are some nice ideas coming through collageing ‘real’ material over reproduction – here is the most frustrating kind of information gap…I want to see this stuff to make the jump to the next level – or sideways

I have asked each student to send me an instruction, which I will attempt to follow – that’s 29 individual drawings – and send back digitally including my new instruction  which each originator will draw on top and resend – the magnificent Mr. Doyle has agreed to the abduction of the school printer for our plan…

I also sent an instruction – using charcoal to fill a page with black and rub a hole any size, any shape, anywhere on the surface…


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