week 5

Today’s session began, as usual with a recap of our previous session.  Since this was just a few days ago the children were able to clearly recall what happened.  They discussed the elephants we made and were keen to find out which animal we would be concentrating on today.


Fionnuala introduced the giraffe using a series of interesting photographs.  It was useful to help the children see different patterns and colours on the giraffe’s skin.


The children then decorated and assembled their giraffe models.  These were already backed with cardboard which allowed them to stand freely.


The children have a lot more confidence in approaching Fionnuala at the white board. They were very keen to show their models and discuss with her what they were doing.


Before break we used some of the children’s ideas to create a giraffe song to the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it”.


After break we agreed on rules for the giraffe flash mob.  The children, already having practice in using a flash mob, were confident with this activity.  We included eating, drinking and laughing in our instructions.


On return to class we looked at the crocodile and discussed its similarities and differences with the crocodile.  The children then created models as they did with the giraffe.


The session ended with the “If you’re a crocodile and you know it…”


The children enjoyed today’s session a lot.

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