Real Visit ~ Action

My plan was to work with instructions for making drawings, it was a glorious day and so we went outside, working in self-organised teams the children devised “recipes” for making drawings. The ingredients for this recipe was chalk, people and playground. The instructions were another matter….



here are some of the drawings

IMG_5466web IMG_5453web IMG_5444web IMG_5436web IMG_5415web IMG_5412web IMG_0105 IMG_0104 IMG_5480web IMG_5418web  IMG_0111 IMG_0102

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more correspondence from the classroom

I have received another Email from the classroom with 3 pictures in it




I am curious about:
1) the third picture
the pieces have been softly folded and I would like to ask about the significance of this?
2) the middle picture
the fragments on the yellow ground again some of the mark making has a folded/furled look, others are more rhythmic, are these an exploration of randomness?
3) in picture no. 1
I see girls at work and both elements on the table, so this tells me they are related in some way, I would like to ask the children how they are related?

Looking forward to your answers…. 🙂

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