Two Materials ~ Session 3

I sent the class some of the photos from my recycling table


It was very cold so I was ensconced in woolly hat and fingerless mittens


We spent quite a long time looking at the things I was showing the boys on the screen,

I had two things that had some similarities and some differences.


There were many guesses about the material – rock, eggbox, balloon, purse, cushion, black bag, gloves –  we tried to focus more on adjectives and found soft , shiny but this was quite difficult, the consensus was that I was showing them a whoopie cushion which made a noise. I think this is interesting because screens turn everything into the same material a screen image – so it maybe is quite arbitrary what exactly the material could be next week we will think more about adjectives and describing things in the classroom.

I was really enjoying balling up the paper and stretching it out, to show how it could change dimensions. I am thinking of doing a bit of video to show this.


a welly


The boys made things using two materials. Some found this quite hard, especially the bubble wrap and paper clips (there was a strong temptation to spend the class popping). One boy said he would like to work with hair and blu-tac… ewwww…so he really understood the challenge!

Favourite materials were sticks and blu tac and sticky labels and tissue paper, tinfoil was fun but not especially combined with string …..let’s keep pushing forward on this…it is all an experiment so far and we don’t know where it’s going to lead…


One of my favourite objects was in fact the paper clips and bubble wrap.

I am getting lots of training in making quick responses to interactions with the screen and buttons…my reflexes are not quite there yet and I missed capturing so many wonderful things. It is hard to know where to look sometimes so we will have to develop a strategy for interacting with the screen.




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First online planning session

Natasha and I had a lot of fun planning the sessions, looking at the found objects and recycling stuff they had gathered together on their recycling table. I love the pink pentagons on the football – The session went quite smoothly as we tested all the controls and practiced with the whiteboard, saving pages and capturing screenshots. We decided to keep session 1 simple to allow boys to introduce themselves and their objects and get some practice interacting with the screen and collaborate environment.



We tested different cameras and ways of showing things in the after school environment we had  bandwidth all to ourselves, little did we know that this would not be so easy in day to day school life.



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