Trubbish, Sam Cycle or Garby?

Today we had a new arrival to our classroom, a new class pet!

Using all the materials we had collected in school and at home over the past week we made our pet. Miss Byrne asked us to look at all the materials we had before designing our new pet.

Then we split into groups, there were three groups. One group worked on the head, another on the main body and the last worked on the legs and feet.

When we put the three sections together it was brilliant because the head was like a pug dog, the middle had a six pack and then feet had roller skates to help the pet move around faster!

We are still deciding on our final name for our pet, but here are some things we came up with and agreed on as a whole class;

Ø  He helps people recycle

Ø  He checks bins every day to make sure we are using the correctly

Ø  He us faster on roller skates, like Rhona!

Ø  He helps Miss Byrne set up work

Ø  He helps Peter and Michelle to put out the bins

Ø  He is always listening to us

Ø  He can change his body parts like Mr Potato head from Toy story

Ø  He wags his Lucozade tail when he is happy, especially when people recycle

Ø  Trubbish eats your rubbish

Ø  Sam cycle helps you to recycle

We learned a new term today called ‘animism’, this is when we believe an object that is not alive has thoughts and feelings, exactly like our new pet!

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