31.01.17 Cornflakes 2 Design safe places

Naomi gave the order to use the treasure map again to find if the golden treasure was still where they had placed it. A great buzz was filling every inch of the classroom as they retraced their steps with their maps in hand.

Naomi was quick made aware that some weren’t there! Oh No!

No there definitely wasn’t a mouse – just our cleaner doing her job well and hovered or dusted away. We would check this all with our caretaker just to be sure! Others exactly where they were placed the week before.

Naomi and I planned to make little houses to keep a cornflake safe. We did not expect the creative little spaces they came up with.

The class had shared with Naomi many different fabrics and materials that protect things the week before. I gathered up as much of these as I could for this week’s session.  Bubble wrap tissue paper, lids and tubs to name a few.     Junk materials in abundance the children would first plan what they would construct to house the cornflake safely.

Such thought and care was evident even at this stage.

The delight the children took at explaining in great detail to either Naomi or myself.

  • Soft nest like houses with the cornflake safely tucked away.
  • Envelopes folded with lids attached – which lid was the cornflake under?
  • Elaborate tubs and tubes attached together!



Children talking about and modifying their own work.


They responded so positively as they walked around the class and viewed their friends’ equally impressive safe little spaces.
Golden treasures housed in very original, safe little spaces.

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