Session 2 – Interconnectedness

I was really happy with the first session – we had no big problems with the technology and I found myself excited and motivated afterwards.

I was wondering however what the class made of it all so at the beginning of session 2 I asked them to write down 1 word that described for them the first session.

I was looking for ways of expanding our theme of the Solar System, angles that I thought were interesting or ways of using the subject to make work that was concerned with the 2d 3d relationships.  I came across a really amazing video called “The Most Astounding Fact” and decided to use this as a starting point for the second session.

The Most Astounding Fact

Unfortunately we couldn’t watch the video during the class, all the hosting sites like vimeo and you tube were blocked on the schools system.  I tried sharing my screen but it played too slowly and was  unwatchable.  The file was way too big to email so I just took the main points raised in the video and we had a chat about it.

I put a statement raised in the video to the class to see what their response

“We are in the universe and the the universe is in us”

This formed a really interesting conversation about interconnectedness. A lovely response was:
“the sun keeps the universe living…like our heart in our bodies”

I collected a series of images related to interconnectedness

These led onto some practical work using wooded stick and plastercine


My intention had been to for the class to play with the sticks and plastercine – to see what they could do with it. What was interesting was in my head I thought they would all make abstract forms, but they all came back with very specific objects made, for example, a pyramid or a powerstation. I would like to look at this again, working with a lot more materials to form a big interconnected collaborative sculpture!

Another interesting angle on Interconnectedness are Mandalas.  As we had run out of materials to develop our wooden sculptures I thought we have a quick look at Mandalas.


Looking forward to following on from this in the next session.

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