Left-over inside – outside shapes

Our second session took place virtually and we used facetime.

A sea of happy faces greeted me when I connected up! We briefly discussed where we left off from the real visit, during which we created some great hand shape patterns and in the delight of that we forgot to remember that there were a lot of left-over shapes on the tables……

A little time passed since the real visit and these shapes got lost, but today we wanted to explore a little more about the shapes. Matisse knew all about the magic of the left-over shape!


here's documentation of Henri Matisse at work cutting his shapes from paper.
here’s documentation of Henri Matisse at work cutting his shapes from paper.


We talked about how Matisse found both the cut shape and left-over shape very important. We decided to try something for ourselves to try and see the left-over shapes more clearly.

We thought about all the different shapes we could make… triangles, squares, rectangle, oval, circle and so on and drew them on a coloured sheet of paper. But for this experiment we wanted to draw one edge of our drawn shape right on the very edge of our paper and repeat this all around the paper edges:


draw shapes
We placed one edge of our shape outline right on the very edge of the paper…..

















Then we cut out our shapes…..



then placed the cut out shapes outside of the sheet so as to create a sort of mirror image..

A positive and a negative shape!


Next we lifted our centre sheet off to reveal the composition below.



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Here’s a selection of photos of the children’s work taken by their teacher Mrs Crummy!


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Our connection was interrupted and we continued to communicate using text. the explorations continued….



Looking forward to catching up again soon!

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