Day 1

Day One was very exciting and busy for us all.

We had a few teething problems with the elluminate technology which meant that Meadhbh and Maree were busy trying to fix the problems at the start of the lesson. Whilst they were doing that the children talked about where the artist Maree might be. The children’s imaginations ran wild as they tried to work out where Maree’s studio was.

The children suggested lots of wild and exotic locations, including America, England, Wicklow, Spain, The Jungle, Heaven and even Space!!

We showed the children the pictures of Maree’s studio and the view of Sheep and Lambs from her studio!

The children quickly realised that Maree’s studio must be on a farm! There was lots of excited chat about what animals Maree could see from her studio!

The children went on to discuss the views from their classroom window and also from their own bedroom windows. The children then drew a picture of their own on the cards Maree had given us. We had fun showing each other the different things we could see from our windows!

After our discussions we took the children out to the garden and had a great time blowing bubbles. We chased some and burst them, others we watched fly away up into the sky and imagined where they might be travelling to.



The children had great fun bowing and chasing the bubbles!!!!




The children closed their eyes and tried to imagine the journey their bubbles went on………

The children were shocked and delighted to see their bubbles arriving in Maree’s studio.

We talked about the journey our bubbles might have gone on to get to Maree’s studio.

The children used chalks and drew beautiful drawings of the places their bubble might have gone on its journey.

Here are some of the lovely drawings.















We really enjoyed our first lesson and we look forward to the rest of our journey into the world of virtual art!!


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