Virtually There Session 3


Disappearing cube
Disappearing cube


Gradual change recorded
Gradual change recorded
Figures in the garden
Figures in the garden


Pieces removed
Pieces removed


I was really looking forward to this session the idea of changing the form of the clay and recording it through drawing was intriguing.

The children started with a cube of clay which they were to draw.

We discussed with Andrew how to draw the form of a cube from different viewpoints the children were very successful and managed to draw excellent cubes.

This was also an opportune moment to revise the properties of 3D shape ‘ a teachable moment’ !

The children then had to gradually diminish the cube pinch by pinch and rub out the corresponding piece on the drawing. This was a really absorbing task and the children were totally engaged.

Once completed they were left with a rubbed out drawing and lots of pieces from the now demolished cube.

Andrew then explained that the ‘transmogrification’ required the clay to be formed into a completely different shape.So they bit by bit rejoined the clay drawing each stage of the process until the clay formed a sphere.

The resulting drawings had  a variety of tones and textures, each child’s drawings were individual and quite unique.

The figures from session two were dry and the children had to decide where and in what formation they wanted to arrange them. Prior to this discussion we had looked at Anthony Gormleys sculptures and also the terracotta warriors so the children had a good frame of reference to inform them.

The figures were placed in the internal gardens in school and the children placed the figures in their friendship groups. They will document the changes that take place over the coming weeks.


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