Session 2

Lesson 2

This began with the children sharing what they enjoyed about our last session together. The children have recorded what they liked about our first adventure with Lisa and illustrate their sentences. They tell Lisa how they enjoyed talking to her and making the leaf tattoos.

Lisa and I discussed how we might structure and communicate movement tasks, whilst allowing the children and Lisa to move in our own individual spaces. How we could work in parallel but in separate spaces. Lisa has pre recorded an amazing warm up. This allows us to listen and respond in movement in our own spaces in parallel. The children take this concept a step further and suggest we have sounds included in the warm up.

Sound, another sense

We gather sounds from our opposite locations. We consider the sounds and noises a leaf might meet on its journey and the sounds that a leaf creates. We take time to work separately to listen and record sounds using microphones. The children are in their element and are so excited to collect the best sounds possible to showcase for Lisa. These are sounds that interest them and in particular sounds created by using their bodies (hands and feet, etc). They enthusiastically collect sounds that are quiet and loud, fast and slow, soft and strong, rough and smooth. They explore using natural and man made materials of the school playground environment.


We listen to each other’s sounds. The children love hearing the bells in Lisa’s sound clips. Lisa loves hearing the children experimenting with their sounds. We are adding a new dimension, a new layer to our dance. P2 and 3 cannot wait for our next session to continue!

About Leanne Kyle

Hi, I'm Miss Kyle. I teach P2/3 at Aughnacloy Primary School. Aughnacloy is a small town on the border in Co. Tyrone. I love to kayak, hike, travel and take photographs so I'm hoping I can use this interest well here on my online journal! We are all so excited to be working with Lisa and can't wait to get started!
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