A surprise in the post!

The following was written by Ann as she, Miss White and P2 were working together;

“No internet connection for me today – so it’s back to the good old fashioned landline!
While I wait here and there I type up what is happening …

Miss White repeats what I’m saying to P2 as the speaker just doesn’t carry round the whole classroom and I can hear bits and pieces in reply from P2, with Miss White relaying here as well. So I have to consider my words carefully and we focus on doing today rather than our usual emphasis on dialogue.
We remind ourselves of our project word – residue. Lola describes it as “a stain” and Sam “when people use stuff and there’s something left over” – wonderful definitions P2.
I describe what I’m looking at over the phone, the different marks, colours and textures made on paper by P2, attributed to the likes of brown moss, green moss, a big stone, a yellow stone, pink wool, a red berry, blue paper, a long stick, mud, dirt … (Miss White posted me P2s’ work so I could photograph it and return of course!) They really are wonderful Small Journey Residue drawings P2.
P2 remembered going on their small journey, collecting small objects and then as Lewis (Thom) described “rubbing” each on the paper, leaving residue.
I had posted P2 a mystery parcel. Residue from an activity I have been involved in Monday and Tuesday past this week. Miss White described the buzz in the class room as they investigate the parcel. I ask “What have I been doing to leave this residue?” Faith says “it’s left over food” and Ellie says “ You have been eating and cooking.”
We go about recording the residue from the content of the parcel – residue of residue!

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