Layers Day 5 – Team work.

A very, very busy day indeed! Lots of discussion, team work and investigating.

Day number 5 began with lots of discussion about what has happened so far in the project and a little look at the website.   Primary 2 were enthusiastic as usual, remembering what they have been drawing, looking at and discussing over the past few weeks.

It was time to start practical work and the day was divided into stages.

Stage 1: Children began working in their usual groups, placing and attaching their layered drawings of the landscape altogether in one long, long piece.  The group work was fantastic today. Everyone worked well, sharing ideas, co-operating and carefully working out how to bring their drawings together. There was a real buzz in the classroom.

Stage 2: The group work continued and everyone huddled in circles or around tables to discuss and give their ideas taking care other groups did not hear them.  Everyone looked at the original photos and discussed the colours seen in each layer. The children decided to take turns to record the colours they thought described the different layers.

Stage 3:  Here we go! Outside to begin exploring, investigating and planning.  Photos in hand, each group moved around the school grounds exploring and observing their local environment to see what interesting natural colours they could find to match to the colours decided earlier.

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