Day 1:P2 meet Ann and begin day 1 of their art project.

The day had come when Primary 2 were about to begin the art project and meet Ann the Artist.  Everyone was very excited not only at the meeting that was about to take place but at the fact that they could see themselves on the white board via the web cam.  Everyone had a chance to give a little wave and an excited buzz was circulating around the classroom.

Introductions over and ready to work.

Ann had asked the children firstly could anyone read the word “dismantle” and secondly did anyone know what it meant.  Two boys were able to read the word and several children gave their opinions on what the word meant.  Some great suggestions where given and all were  relevant. P2 surprise me every day : )

Everyone huddled together in their groups to see if they could suggest different ways to dismantle a cherry tomato.  It was great to see the children discussing, working out their different methods and helping each other. At the same time making sure that the other groups did not hear their plans.  It made me realise that maybe I do not do this sort of discussion group work often enough.  It really works best when the children are away from their tables, sitting on the ground and huddled together.

 Away we go!!!!!!!!

How would you dismantle a cherry tomato?

My boys and girls discovered lots of imaginative ways of dismantling their cherry tomato. The noise of the children as they squashed and  dismantled their tomato echoed how much fun they were having.  Tomato juice squirting everywhere ( and I mean everywhere) and some children enjoying the mess and mayhem whilst others were concerned about getting their tables cleaned.

The image that was left on the paper from the tomato, juice, seeds and flesh were drawn around with a pencil to create a drawing. Some  pieces of paper where totally falling apart as the juices proved too much for the paper to hold.

The time had come to end our first session.  Everyone had enjoyed their first day and their responses about what they had learned during our short evaluation proved how much they had enjoyed the day.

I was very happy how my P2 got on today, a lot of talking had taken place and not as much hands on activities as we had initially planned.  The children responded very well and I cant ask for anything more.

My classroom is now smelling of sweet tomatoes.

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