Layers Day 1- What does the word layers mean?

My class had a great conversation to begin day 1.  What does the word “layers” mean?  “Clothes in a pile, stuff on top and on top……..”

I automatically think of my Mum telling me to put plenty of layers on when going outside so I didn’t get the cold,  to the time I had to paint layers upon layers of paint on my bedroom walls to try and cover the “shocking ” pink that I had painted it the previous year.

It was quite a difficult word for Primary 2 to explain using their own vocabulary and to give examples. Suggestions and ideas began to spark interest and enthusiasm.

Unknown to the children the meaning of  the word “layers” was to become more obvious as the day progressed.  A variety of vegetables were selected for the kids to observe and draw……..and very shortly, Primary 2 were going to find out all about “layers” from first hand experience. Vegetables would not have been my first thought when thinking about the term but from now on the children in my class will associate the word with the project they completed when they were 5 and 6 years old.    

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