Who’s who?

This week we worked with blank white masks. The children found the mask that they had made last week and wee compared the cardboard mask that the children had made the previous week with a white plastic mask. With eyes closed they felt different, one was smoother than the other, one had elastic. The children had a white mask and tried them on. Mrs Wilson was scared: they all looked the same. Many of the children thought that they would be able to recognise their white mask within a group so we played a finding game. Once they were in a group, finding the white mask wasn’t as easy as it had seemed to be. How we could make them more like us? The children suggested that we could paint on them, write on them, add hair, add eyebrows. All good ideas. I suggested that we started off by cutting into the mask to give it a different shape. This was a real challenge but the children were very good at cutting. Some people were a bit worried about how much to cut -maybe the manufactured mask seemed too precious to take risks… Very exciting work. The children are taking photos as they go and I will get to see them at some point. I will have to be patient!


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