Mixing colours and the spinning discs

Moving onto colour seemed the natural progression of the project.  The introduction of James Clerk Maxwell was an excellent lead into the idea of spinning discs being used to merge colours.  As a class we investigated his work and discovered that he had experimented with colour and moving discs, which allowed colours to merge together to make new colours.

As a lead into the idea of colour we used coloured foils to look through to see what would happen to the objects we were looking at.  We also layed the coloured foils on top of each other to see what new colours we could make.

This was an amazing part of our project and the photographs of the spinning discs shows that.  It was a natural integration of other curricular areas ie. electricity.

I think Ann was really impressed with the children’s work too.  They used their imagination to create new collections of colours on their discs.  They spent a lot of time experimenting with colours and were also able to make their own variations of the spinning discs by using lots of different colours and merging them with the aid of their motors and electrical circuits.

Once again detailed recording was important so we could recap on what we had been learning and use it to evaluate our learning,


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