Outside investigations

Today was all about investigations and reporting back our findings to Ann.  We had our usual discussion time in the morning session, which is really important for the previous week but also for the day ahead.

The children remained in their groups for this activity as they had worked well in these groups in the previous weeks.  When we went outside we had to look for different things around the school, like boundaries, interesting features, hills, mountains, names etc.  Unfortunately the weather wasn’t kind to us and our activity was a wet one!!  We had soggy paper as well as feet and hair but still had great fun and all involved in active learning.


Outside investigationsjournal 9Everytime the children get the chance to go outside to complete activities they thoroughly enjoy them.  Today armed with cameras and their journals the children headed to find interesting things around our school grounds.





It really is a priviledge to work in a school like Donaghey where we have fabulous resources both inside and outside .  The children had the freedom today to investigate but they also had to stay inside a certain zone so they would remain focussed on the task.


journal 7 

Today the children were also trying to record accurately.  Some of the children are more comfortable at using the cameras than others so today we had a variety of photographs – some were very blurred and out of focus – maybe this is something we will be able to work on over the next few weeks of the project.


journal 12
journal 11
journal 13

joural 6

Around school we have lots of interesting things both on the inside and the outside of our boundaries.  We were able to record fields, plants, signs, hills even a tractor and van!!  The children recorded seeing a red van and when we reported back to Ann the children said they could hear ‘a red van’ it was funny listening to them convince Ann that the van had a particular sound.

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