Always learning!

For 15 years now I’ve bound in partnership with an old studio PC . Slowly together, we have waded our way through volumes of stills, audio and video. Apparently though, the inevitable awaits round some nearby corner – exacerbated by endless tinkering and incompatible updates!

So, wisely I acquired the use of a laptop, endowed with all the necessary innards to easily and speedily consume any task I should throw its way! This new partnership however has been far from straight forward, including on-going problems within the live room in Elluminate!

So, day one with P5 had a slow start, as all froze at my end and a chunk of our time disappeared amid technical difficulties. Miss Orr as always, in spite of it being her first time using Elluminate, with ingenuity, calmly responded to every technical challenge which came her way. A quick phone conversation and she undertook the initial tasks we’d planned together!

Half an hour later – hurray – and we all got to meet up and get on with “dismantling”!

P5 were divided into groups. Each group was given three of one of the following; bananas, kiwi, spring onions, brussel sprouts, and small oranges. They were then charged with the task to list as many different ways as they could think of to dismantle their object – which were both safe and manageable within the classroom! They then had to select three of these processes which they thought might result in dismantle – drawings which were as different as possible.

We discussed and we thought and teased out ideas and when it came to the act itself, the dismantling, P5 simply lost themselves in the pure joy of it! Miss Orr sorry – I was able to take off my headset!!

What a privilege it is to work with young people for whom the joy of it is inescapable! The learning and investigation we invested in throughout the day, far from lost or diminished, was simply unleashed in a pinnacle of pure excitement!

Thank you P5 – and Miss Orr!

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