Meeting Fionnula and Having fun!

We were excited to meet the musical artist and when she came her name was Fionnuala, she had smooth black hair and narrow brown eyes. She had a good taste in music and was creative. She travelled all the way from Dublin to visit us for the first week. Fionnuala introduced herself and we got into a circle. Fionnuala put a funny looking microphone in the middle of our circle. She told us a silly little activity where we had to say “Hello Toes!” and “Hello Hips!”and I liked it when she told us to gently tickle down our faces. Fionnuala told us to close our eyes and cup our ears and listen to the sounds inside us. I heard the eardrum beating in my ear. Thump, Thump, Thump!

Fionnnuqla turned on the microphone and went back to her spot.”Listen to the noises inside you and make them so the microphone would record it,” explained Fionnula. Carter made the sound of the heartbeat while others made calm, soothing sounds. Fionnuqla decided she would teach us an African chant called “Kada ca boom” and started to sway. We all went along with her and started to chant. Nathan made up his own silly tune and sang it out loud while Amelie constantly giggled. Then, she sorted us out into groups and we made sounds at a different beat. My sound was “tisssshh” but the boys made a dance move. We got into groups again. One sang “Kada ca boom”. Others sang “Cheak,Cheak” and the group I was in sand “Boom Ba Boom Ba Boom Boom.Beep Beep!”

I had lots of fun.




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