Interactive Sounds With Finnuala

On the first week Fionnuala came we did some sounds we split into 4 groups and we chose which beat we came in 1,2,3,4. Fionnaula conducted us, when she pointed at us we did our sound.

I enjoyed drawing the rain forest and writing the  story. On the second week we used software to communicate with Fionnaula  through the computer.


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Meeting Fionnula and Having fun!

We were excited to meet the musical artist and when she came her name was Fionnuala, she had smooth black hair and narrow brown eyes. She had a good taste in music and was creative. She travelled all the way from Dublin to visit us for the first week. Fionnuala introduced herself and we got into a circle. Fionnuala put a funny looking microphone in the middle of our circle. She told us a silly little activity where we had to say “Hello Toes!” and “Hello Hips!”and I liked it when she told us to gently tickle down our faces. Fionnuala told us to close our eyes and cup our ears and listen to the sounds inside us. I heard the eardrum beating in my ear. Thump, Thump, Thump!

Fionnnuqla turned on the microphone and went back to her spot.”Listen to the noises inside you and make them so the microphone would record it,” explained Fionnula. Carter made the sound of the heartbeat while others made calm, soothing sounds. Fionnuqla decided she would teach us an African chant called “Kada ca boom” and started to sway. We all went along with her and started to chant. Nathan made up his own silly tune and sang it out loud while Amelie constantly giggled. Then, she sorted us out into groups and we made sounds at a different beat. My sound was “tisssshh” but the boys made a dance move. We got into groups again. One sang “Kada ca boom”. Others sang “Cheak,Cheak” and the group I was in sand “Boom Ba Boom Ba Boom Boom.Beep Beep!”

I had lots of fun.




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Our Day With Fionnuala By Amelie

The first day when Fionnuala came we split up into groups and each made up a group sound and performed it at different times. I really enjoyed making different sounds. Our sound was ‘click click’. We performed our sounds at a certain time on the count of 1,2,3,4. Our group performed on the count of 2.

The week after that we connected with Fionnuala on the internet. She showed us all the different tools and showed us how to highlight and draw  on the white board. After that she showed us photos from the week before week and we put our names on top of ourselves. The next thing that we did was to make a score of music. We split up into groups again and performed on the count of 1,2,3,4. I really enjoyed this activity because it was interesting.

The week after that we connected with Fionnuala again. Then she played music to us and we had to draw the images that we could hear. I especially enjoyed this activity because I love drawing. That week was my favourite week.

The week after that we made up a story about our picture and typed it into our iPads. Then after that we took photos of our groups pictures and made in into a slide show on the iPads. I really enjoyed typing our stories into our iPads.

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Our time with our music artist

Fionnula our music artist came to our school five weeks ago. The last few weeks we have been making sounds using our body.  We were split into groups making sounds between 1,2,3,4. We listened to a song and we all drew pictures of where we thought the music was. Then we recorded the story in the order of the picures on the iPads. We have been talking to Fionnuala on the internet and we were showing her what we have done on the iPads on the third week.



by Rhys


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Our Time With The Music Artist Fionnula

Fionnula the music artist came to our school. On the first week Fionnula split us into groups, the sounds for the groups were kada ka boom kada ka boom boom boom and ch ch ch ch and boom ba boom ba boom boom beep beep.

On the second week Fionnula showed us a wand, we used the wand to label pictures.

On the third week we listened to music and drew pictures related to the music.

On the forth week we recorded our voices on the iPad telling the story we wrote on the third week.

By Jonathan

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Our time with Fionnuala

The first time Fionnuala ever came was when we chanted cada caboom,boom ba boom and ch,ch. On that first day we also formed a circle and put a speaker in the middle and recorded ourselves making sounds.

The second time she was on Elluminate we listened to music and drew charts on the interactive whiteboard, where we thought it was set, what would be in that place and what instruments we thought were being played. After that we drew the setting of the place and drew what people might be doing in that place.

The third time we saw her we made a story with our pictures and then recorded it.

The fourth week we talked to her we talked about writing this.


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Our Time With Fionnula

On the first week Fionnula came in person and said hello to everyone. We were all amazed at the little recorder thing she brought in. She taught us new sounds like ka da ka boom and boom ba boom boom and that was the first week.

On the second week Fionnuala actually tried to talk to us on the internet from Dublin to Portadown which was epic because it was so fun.

On the third week we mostly did the same but we started to listen to music and draw pictures which was really fun.

The next week we did the same but only we named ourselves out of the pictures.

This week Fionnula told us that we could write a story and she said she would see us after Christmas.



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Our Time With Fionnuala

Two week ago we wrote a story about our pictures that we drew. We listened to the music Fionnuala made and we closed our eyes and we imagined what the music made us feel like.

The week after that we went on to Garage Band and we had to write a story about our picture we drew on the sheet. Then we had to read the story out and record it. We had to write the story out again on Keynote on the iPad.

The first week was really good because Fionnuala was in our school and she could tell us what to do. We did ka da ka boom, ka da ka beep beep and ch ch ch ch. I really enjoyed it.


Merry Christmas Fionnuala


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Fionnuala came to our school!

When Fionnuala came to our school on Thursday I was really excited, our whole class got in a circle. I was sitting beside Fionnuala so I could get to know her more. We were doing exercise to warm up.We said hello to all the parts of our body from feet to head.

Fionnuala taught us three different sounds kada ca boom,boom ba boom ba boom boom beep beep and chk chk chk chk. Everyone was spilt up into three groups.

Week 2 we met up on software it took quite a while. We made our own sounds and actions, then we had to pick a number between 1-4 my group choose number 1. Our sound was thud and our action was jump.

Week 3 we listened to a song Fionnuala made herself it was so catchy. We drew a picture with our imangination while we listened to the song. We had to write a story on the back of the picture of where it is and what is in the picture.The people in the groups had to sort out all the pictures to make one big story. Our story teller was Alana.

Week 4 we all got an iPad and took a picture of everyone’s drawing that was in our group. There was a story behind every group so we recorded the story on Garage Band in a quiet room.

Week 5 we said goodbye to Fionnuala for Christmas, and we wrote our blog on a piece of paper to type on the computer.

by Jodie

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Interactive Music With Finnuala

    On the day that Fionnuala came, we learnt some tunes and then she split us into three groups. Group One did the sound kada ka boom, kada ka boom boom boom. Group two did the sound chk chk chk repeatedly and then Group Three (the one I was in) did the sound boom ba boom ba boom boom bi bi.

   On the next Thursday we did it over the internet. Fionnuala then wrote a musical score for us and then we listened to some lovely African music. Then we drew a picture related to the music. I drew a Rattle Snake because I heard hissing in the music.

   The next week we all split into our three groups and then put our pictures in order. After that we told a story related to our pictures.

    The next  weeks we all recorded a story that we wrote about our group story on Garage Band.

  Last week we wrote a report about the four weeks that we were with Finnuala .

  By Anna

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