Week 5

Today I wanted to tune into the group – to see what they thought of the project so far, so I started with a question “HOW ARE WE DOING”

Using the white board we were able to make a mind map that described our experience of the project so far.

mindmapThis is an example of a mind map, and below is ours:

grab2So, all in all things are looking pretty good.

From the beginning we have been talking about looking at boxes in some way – either to post stuff to each other or to use in some more creative way.  There have been lots of ideas passed back and forth, from making a pin hole camera, to using the box to make up little worlds inside of.  Today, I wanted to start looking at boxes!

I emailed Ms Murray some patterns which she printed out A3.  She also photocopied the B&W textured landscape collages from last week and the plan was to cut the patterns from these textured landscapes, so when we folded them into 3D objects they would have the pattern on them.  Here’s some images from my examples:

This is a way of working that is very familiar to me, and I wanted to show them some work I had made by cutting an folding paper.

model1 model4The class got the objects cut out and folded but we ran out of time to assemble them.  I’m really looking forward to seeing the results.


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