Week 6 – Miniature Worlds

The class enjoyed assembling the 2d patterns into the 3d shapes last week.  Some of them put the pattern on the inside, some left it on the outside.  Others wrote bits of text inspired by the pattern on the inside of the shape.  I think they really got into exploring all the possibilities with the 3d object.

There has been a bit of a break between session 5 and session 6.  In that time the class had started to make their own dioramas, based on a novel that they were reading in class.   I wanted to start the session by showing them some work I had made like this.

Next, the class took turns to show me some of the work they had been making.

I had collected a lot of images of other artists who made work along these lines to help inspire the class and start a discussion about how they could finish off their dioramas.

The group came up with lots of great ideas – cutting out miniature people, using lights and so on.

I had been planning a real visit for the next session – hoping to spend the whole day with Ms Murray and the class making work.  We talked a little about what we could spend the day doing in relation to all of the work we had been making and came up with a plan!

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