
It has been a long wait between sessions from early December to early January. Following a lot of discussion re: sequencing, sound and pattern, Mrs Wilson and I decided over Christmas to change focus a little bit. The emphasis has moved to the word “change” and how we can record change using different means.

I decided where I thought would have the most change between now and the end of the project and went to take photos:


DSC_5867I thought about documenting my journey up the lane with the bin and the length of the nails on my left hand. I recorded sound again outside the studio. The weather was less harsh.

I asked the children what had changed since my last visit and they said “you’re not here”.

Some had changed elements of their uniform. There were some great stories about birds in attics and crows making a fuss outside windows. Christmas itself had been forgotten already.

They heard a diverse range of sounds at break time – flicking of cards while swopping, crunching of an apple, a battlecry, falling and crying and many more.

I asked what might change in and around the school -they had lots of ideas like:

Leaves growing in trees/ hedges

teachers parking cars (although some people thought they always parked in the same spot)

Benches getting moved around

The ground changing in wind and sun

There would be snow

Birds would nest/ steal eggs

Some people thought there wouldn’t be a lot of change in the classroom but then others thought that books moved about, the contents of schoolbags would be different, boards would change, seats would get moved.

We thought about how we could find a way to record these changes: what form/s might it take. The children decided that photography and sound would work. They thought that maybe they could take a photo every day in the same place and make a row of photos.





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