first contact with class

Hurray meeting accomplished with Tony and the class, sound all working – with strange delay and so I could hear a Minnie Mouse version of my voice echoing around the classroom.

I had close screen contact with Luke, Louis, Emer and Darragh, who asked what my favourite medium is and who my favourite artist is – hard questions for an artist- I answered with an image from the scientist, Mandelbrot and with paper finger extensions – the class showed me their magnificent Teepee and fabulous works around the classroom… including a mesolithic cave, one of the kids went in and I expected them to emerge in animal skins, but unfortunately the time machine wasn’t switched on today. I showed them my studio and my diamonds…We are meeting for a work session of Friday where we will exchange ideas about Cave Hill and diamonds…

Photo on 15-01-2014 at 14.07 #2beginnings

screen shot shows window after session ended…Luke drew a fabulous diamond but its underneath the Mandelbrot – we will have to get used to creating and saving whiteboards as we go along.

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