Visit to the classroom – from the virtual to the real

My final virtual lesson transformed into a real lesson when I visited the classroom. This entailed a very early start with a taxi, flight, bus and taxi and I finally arrived in the school at 9.30. My visit was a total surprise! Vanessa the teacher told the children that we couldn’t connect via the internet, then I walked through the door. The children’s faces were a picture and total silence for a few seconds!

It was great to attend in person and the children showed me all of their work and the works in progress around the school that are still degrading and decaying. The work from the project adorned several of the corridors and looked amazing – a big well done to the teacher and assistants. Within the session we continued our theme and 3 large paper mosaics were constructed within the lesson and they looked amazing.

It was great to hear abut the project from the children and hear the intimacies of the work they had made and the experience of the virtual lessons. They were so excited to explain the process and content and some of the children showed me their written journals which described their experiences after each lesson.

It was a great visit and and look forward to meeting them again if possible in the future.

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