
The two recent sessions have been focussed on the the butterfly – it was chosen for its short life span and yet the preserved butterfly appears in museums and collections and appears in the work of many artists. We started the sessions by exploring some artists that use the butterfly within their work, some of these can be seen in the images following. The artists include, Amorales, Twomey and Hirst. Firstly we drew and coloured butterflies – in the second session we then created ceramic butterflies which will be fired to make an installation somewhere in the school.

This work once again examines ‘permanence’ and ‘impermanence’ and the duration of time – with regards to the butterfly – that something lives for such a short time and yet can be preserved for much longer.

butterflies 7 butterflies andrea mastrovito Dior shop paris butterflies Carlos Amorales Butterflies Damien Hirst 3 butterflies teagan roberts butterflies1 butterflies2 butterflies4 butterflies5

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