Observation of Life

Today we began our session with a discussion about last week.  This is a good way for us to remember exactly what we did and we can also use it as inspiration for the session ahead.DSCF7261 for journal DSCF7244 for journal DSCF7244 for journal

Euan: Drawing rocks from memory.

Rachel: Feeling our pulse

Daniel: To give an exit word

Elena: Pen and wash.

Elena: Find words from the passage written by William Shakespeare.

Emma: Had to work out what shells belonged to.

Sarah: Painting and drawing rocks and shells.

Beth: Mixing paint

Sam: We looked at things to see if they were alive.

Courtney: Fossils.

Nicole: I saw the fossils online.

William: I saw the lava rock.  I thought we were going to be painting. I was right!

Emily: I liked the colour and wash watercolour. I was painting grass, new grass.

Euan:  I was doing my final piece on the thing I found outside. It’s like a…. a branch with nuts on it.

Exit words for today.



*looking for life




*wildlife garden



*leaves with colours




*pen and wash





*living things


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