19.10.16 A Drawing Recipe – Draw a dot

I knew what we hoped happen during the lesson  what we needed  was gathered ,

but we hadn’t chatted the way we usually do.

The board still hissing.

The children lively. Anxious to get busy and doing!

A great activity all ready to go.  Yet  I didn’t quite feel on top of it.

Children drew the most lovely flower images using basic spots and lines on tracing paper as they followed the drawing recipe step by step –

A dot , dots around the dot connected by lines. The same words given to all by Naomi.

I am delighted  to see how they interpreted  these instructions so differently.  None look the same.

I hope I get time along the way to expand this I would love to keep adding to it through the year.

This is a different class at the start of their Virtually There journey.   I think we have forgotten what it was like at the beginning last time.  The class are younger  as it is only October – we need to slow it down.

Maybe less words for now.

I feel a bit deflated. I hope this class connect with Naomi and vice versa.

Naomi’s calmness will be the constant, I’m sure!   The class I hope, sense this on the new journey they embark on.

Despite it not quite being as we had anticipated, the beauty of the children’s own veil makes me feel excited.

We are just getting connected to Naomi and what she does in her studio- far, far away in Boyle.
A real visit is planned.

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