Clay Houses

Our theme continues with further exploration of weather and storms and the destruction that they can cause. This week all the pupils turned their work from 2D into 3D using clay to model their own houses. Using only their hands and limited tools, the pupils fashioned the shape of their houses and then began to add detail. First they started by adding individual roof tiles to the houses, then windows, doors and other features unique to their own homes. All of the houses were then set outside in a courtyard where they will be left for 3 months. Each week, or even more often depending on the weather, the pupils will go and document/record the change in their houses and see how the weather has made an effect. I have also left my clay house in my garden and have begun to record the changes so far following some rain and frost. Make sure you check this blog each week to see the changes over the next three months! The technical interface was much clearer in terms of image and sound today, although the children couldn’t hear me we had much fun using our thumbs as a signal and talking over the teachers mobile phone on loud speaker. It is amazing how you can find creative solutions when needed!

Building Clay House
Adding roof tiles
Adding windows and door
Finished clay house comparison with drawing
House placed outside in the garden
Beginning to change after the rain
Destruction from the weather
Detail of the door
Detail of roof tiles – see how the rain has left marks on the clay
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